Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A New Member!

Make Welcome Nicole! Her Blog is The Pen and Parchment.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


If anyone is interested, we now have a YCF forum, at http://ycfforum.webs.com

Please come in and sign up, and hopefully we can regain some of the momentum we had going a year ago!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Member: Joelle

Her blog address is http://joelle-achristiangirlsblog.blogspot.com/

We now have 44 members.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Two New Members!

I am so sorry it has taken so long for us to post about this, but we have two new members - Sarah Grace and Moonshaw. Welcome to YCF!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

A New Member

  We've added a new member to YCF, Miss. Friendship. You can visit her blog here .

Thursday, July 2, 2009

YCF Newsletter...?

I've had a thought: I'm not sure where this'll take us, but my idea was such: Should we start a YCF Newsletter? It seems alot of things are beginning to happen, and if anyone has a big story they'd like to post not everyone goes to every blog everyday. What I could do is much like the YCF Forum, start a site and have everyone email me there stories. Only the really big ones, cause we still LOVE having our blogs, but still.

I'd like to hear all your thoughts on this.

My email, as you all know by now, is: universeofmymind@gmail.com

Looking forward to hearing from ya! :D


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Not just blog roll??

Okay! So I had an idea! There have been new members and new posts and just...everything new! So I was thinking that maybe on one side of the YCF blog we add a "Blog List" that are usually in everyone's blog anyway. Just so we can at least come up to this blog and see who's updated most recently from the YCF. Just a thought.... But comment please! :)

God bless,